By The Numbers by Chris Owen & Tory Temple

By The Numbers - Chris Owen, Tory Temple

This was such a cute story! I loved how it started and how Deuce and Trey first meet. I also loved how Deuce and Trey were kind of circling each other at first and the ultimate lead up to where things start to progress around them. The fact that it revolves around a pregnant dog and the puppies that soon come was just adorable and had me smiling nonstop.

My only real issue is that there was too much sex for me. Too many scenes and a few that were too long for my tastes as well to the point that I started skimming them. Beyond that, I wished we could have seen more of Deuce and Trey together with them getting deeper into their relationship. I feel like I know more about Trey and his life than I know about Deuce. In fact, Deuce is sort of still a big mystery to me.

In the end, it was a good story that I enjoyed. I liked how Chance from Ms. Temple's Firefighters series made a few appearances in this story. It was a pleasant surprise. I'm looking forward to the sequel and seeing if some of my questions get answered. Definitely recommended, though, for those looking for a light, sweet and smutty read.
