Blind Passion - Brannan Black I read this because it's part of a series I love and I thought I had to read it to continue the series. It's not necessary to read it and the other books in the series, so far, are all m/m and follow the same couple.

It was interesting to see this post-apocalyptic world outside the pack and outside Daniel's perspective. I liked these characters and while the girl, Mei, annoyed me sometimes I still somewhat liked her.

There are two big things that set this book apart from the others in the series. For one, it's m/m/f. I don't like to read books with the 'f' in it but I make exceptions when it comes to series that I love. This book also lacks the grittiness and the brutality the others have. I was a bit disappointed the wolfman in this book were nothing like the wolfman in the previous books. All humans are fragile no matter if they're females or males so I was expecting more from them. Instead I got some soft wolfman that just liked to growl.

I didn't enjoy this story as much as I enjoyed Dan and Mace's. The MC, Mei, is blind but I had to question that blindness multiple times when she somehow was able to walk around areas that she hasn't been in for years without tripping or walking into things. Especially since the only scene in which she did knock into something was when she was in her own den. Then we didn't actually know her name until almost the halfway point. With that said, there wasn't any plot aside from Mei meeting Derek and Jay and them having sex for almost the whole book.

Overall, I was expecting something completely different but what I got was slightly disappointing. It was hard for me to connect with these characters because they ended up talking more during sex than in casual conversation. I can't honestly say I'd recommend this and in fact advice against skipping this one since it technically isn't required to read the rest of the series. :(