One More Wish - Devon Rhodes I love this series so far and I've been waiting for this sequel for what seems like forever. I love how this book starts a little before One Wild Wish ends so that we see Benny and Curtis' POV when they're kidnapped.

I always like the intensity between Benny and Curtis and that doesn't dim in this book at all. In fact, Curtis is a bit more possessive which I found sweet and endearing.

It's a very good read that I enjoyed very much. My only problem is I wished we got to see some of the four months between when Benny leaves for tour and Curtis stays at the B&B. I would have liked to see how they handled their long distance relationship as well as how Curtis is dealing with his new form.

Beyond that, I really enjoyed this little book. I loved seeing Rory and Jared again and I really hope there's more to come of these characters, their bandmates and this world.